Dear Family and Friends,
How are you all? I love you!
Things are going really well in Gillingham. This week was crazy, but really awesome. Because moves were supposed to be on Wednesday, but ended up on Tuesday, our schedule was shattered. But Elder Campbell and I recorded the second highest (hours) week of my mission! It ended up being a really good week. We had 9 investigators at Sacrament Meeting, and a ton that couldn't make it. Its so wonderful! I love having people to teach. Gillingham is Exploding with people! I love it.
Martin is getting baptised next Saturday, and he is so excited. Man, Martin is so awesome. Geoff finally quit smoking and he's getting baptised on the 27th! I'm so happy! It's finally going to happen! And he seems really excited for his date. Austin came to church, and seems to be progressing towards getting baptised, probably on the 27th as well. Matthew and Anna, a couple we met, are also going to get baptised after they get married. Man, its so wonderful. The Lord really puts people in our path who are ready and have been prepared to make changes. :) Last week, I met a guy named Matthew. He said the night before he prayed that Jesus would come into his life. He's been having so many problems in his life, but felt that it was really strange that he met us. Hah, its not that strange. :) When we are dilligent in serving the Lord, He will use us to find those people that He has prepared. I also heard a quote this week that has helped me, "Discipline is the bridge between goals and success." And the key is to keep being disciplined when success starts coming. We cannot let up one bit, be any less obedient, diligent, or passionate about this work. And we also have to remember that our success has nothing to do with us, but everything to do with our commitment.
One thing that I'm learning a lot about is having fun and working hard at the same time. Sometimes I get too serious, stressed out, and worked up. I started getting a fever and exhaustion. It is important that we don't run faster than we are able. Be diligent, but don't try to go above the mark. When its time to wind down, its time to wind down. Its been a good thing for me. Haha, Elder Campbell said that I need to calm down. :) He's been good for me.
Today was a good day. We had zone meeting, and had some good trainings. We're starting a new In-Field Training Program for missionaries with the Preach My Gospel DVD's. So we all get portable DVD players (just for Church produced videos, unfortunately). We're the first mission in the world to go through it, probably because our groups were the first ones to go to the new MTC program. So this is going to be really exciting. Our zone (Canterbury) and the Romford Zone are also implementing a finding approach called the 30 second step in, where we teach a lesson to people on the street. So we're being guniea pigs all over the place. But it's really fun.
Last week on Moves day, we played some football/soccer and I pulled my hamstring. It has been doing ok. Today we played football in the gym, and I pulled it again, but much worse this time. :) I'm going to have to be very careful for the next few weeks. It's quite painful.
Hey, I know this is God's work. This is His Gospel, and these are His Children. Jesus Christ died for us. Everytime I think of how happy the Gospel makes me, I realise that that is what God wants for these people. The Gospel is not for us to keep to ourselves, but to give to everyone. I want them to have the same happiness that I have! I would that ye would consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments! For we are free to choose liberty and eternal life!
Well, I hope everything goes well. I love you! Have a good time at band camp!
Elder Flores
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